Climate Conversations – Sharing our feelings about the ecological crises
with Ecotherapy East
Saturday 8 June 2024
Co-op Community Space, Halesworth
Free, donations to Ecotherapy East welcome

Feelings like grief, anger, hope, love, despair, fear; the climate and biodiversity crises can evoke so many emotions from day to day, depending on what news we’ve heard, or particular person we’ve talked to. Many of us also imagine others might not be feeling the same as us.
This is a space to share in a supportive environment about how the situation is affecting you, as well as reflect and learn what can support you going forth. When we voice our difficult emotions this can free us up to feel more hopeful and act in small (or bigger) ways. We will be offering some thoughts on what often holds people back, as well as some simple practices that can sustain us. We hope you will find it an inspiring and positive space to connect with others. Led by experienced facilitators from Ecotherapy East, a social enterprise based in Bramfield.
This event is free, but please let us know if you intend to come so we can track numbers. Please email: